Ministry Highlights

Worship Team:
The worship team practices every week and is dedicated to working with the Pastor to reinforce the theme of the service. They dedicate time to prepare music that leads people into the presence of God each worship service.

Deacon Ministry :
The deacons are men who have been called out from the congregation to
serve the congregation. The prototype we look to in scripture is found in Acts 6: men who met practical needs to produce a spiritual result. The deacons try to stay aware of the various needs among the congregation and to be alert to the needs they need to help with. Although the deacons often step in to do some task, sometimes they simply coordinate the
care required. The purpose of deacon ministry is to bring glory to God: from the congregation in that communal love is expressed, and from the community in that they see us caring for one another. An effective deacon ministry lifts a great burden from the pastor.

Trustees Ministry:
Our Trustees do a wonderful and dedicated job of taking care of our facilities so that we have a safe and purposeful place to gather for worship, study, fellowship and ministry. We thank the Lord for these faithful servants, that get little recognition.

Ministry Directors.
The six ministry directors (Education, Training, Facilities and Property, Worship and fellowship, Mobilization, and Administration) cooperate with the Pastor to oversee ministry areas. The directors plan, budget, recruit volunteers, coordinate resources, and pray for all the activities that fall in their ministry area.

C.R.E.W. (Christians: Ready, Equipped, and Willing)
…is a ministry to students 7th -12th grades, introducing them to Jesus and his claim on their lives. A combination of evangelism, discipleship, and fun leads students to commit their whole life to the Lord.

Team Kids
Team Kids meet on Wednesday evenings. These are for grade school kids and include bible lessons, as well as games or crafts but always a lot of fun and enjoyable time together.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School teachers study the word and prepare lessons for all ages. These range in class from Nursery to Retired, each presenting lessons on their level Our teachers are dedicate Christian leaders who love the Lord and have a desire to teach and disciple the students. Sunday School begins at 9:15 every Sunday Morning. Come join us. There’s a class for you.

Hospitality Team Ministry
Our Hospitality Ladies provide meals for our Sunday Evening studies, organize potluck dinners, special meals like at Thanksgiving as well as spear heading meals for those who are ill and need assistance. The ladies of the Hospitality Team work to meet the physical needs to produce spiritual results. They keep the kitchen well supplied, clean and in a usable condition for all of us. The ladies often take the lead in providing meals for someone in need although sometimes individual classes take that ministry on. The production of the meal is less about food and more about providing a means for close fellowship and communicating love. We appreciate this team of servants.

Our custodian cleans up spills of food or beverages, washes windows, mops floors, wipes tables, and cleans bathrooms and kitchens. She replaces paper towels, toilet paper, and air fresheners. She empties the trash cans. She contributes to the health and safety of our building’s occupants by ensuring proper sanitation.

Divorce Care.
When in session it is a blessing to help individuals, who benefit from a ministry to help deal with issues stemming from their divorce.

Acts 2:42 – And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.