Because you give:
Within our church
- we are able to reach young children through Sunday School and TeamKids, some of whom do not have a church home, and whose families do not attend church.
- we are reaching young people who need the Lord, and need discipleship to grow in Christ and share Him with others.
Within our community
- we can help those in our community and those who pass through by means of being the hands and feet of Christ, and sharing with them the gospel.
- we can help meet the physical needs through the ministry of God’s Storehouse.
Within our country and continent
- we can send mission teams on trips to help others in other parts of the country and continent.
Around the world
- we can help missionaries share Christ with the lost wherever they are.
We thank you for giving to this ministry.
We have suspended using Online Giving. If you have any questions please call the pastor at the church: 620-364-2910.
“Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce.” Proverbs 3:9 (NASB)